Electronic security systems

Installation and Maintenance of:
- Theft / intrusio’n for interiors, exteriors and perimeters
- Robbery / Panic / Emergency
- Configurations of Closed Circuits (C.C.T.V.) and Opened (C.A.T.V.) of Television
- Controls of Accesses, Visits and Presence
- Check of alarms for transmission of images in real time
- Link of maximum safety of the configurations with the Head office(Plant) Receptora of Alarms (route ADSL, GPRS …)
- System integration (intrusion, fire, CCTV, accesses, etc.)
- Control of vehicles in entry / exit of enclosures by means of apprehension and record of matriculations
- Location and protection of vehicles and you present route satellite
- Control of signs of maintenance and detection of incidents or anomalies in the matter (temperature, lighting, electricity-generating group, SAI ….)