External Agents.
Whose nature comes from the intense activity delincuencial that we suffer nowadays, with increasingly bands organized of diverse nationalities operating and using new tools and with new “modus operandi”, being perfectly instructed to commit his criminal purposes.
Internal Agents.
Whose nature comes from unfair and criminal behaviors of the own personnel (personnel, executives, etc.) of a company, trade, hospital …, taking advantage of his working place to commit this type of actions in the labour center.
Electronic security systems

- Theft / intrusio’n for interiors, exteriors and perimeters
- Robbery / Panic / Emergency
- Configurations of Closed Circuits (C.C.T.V.) and Opened (C.A.T.V.) of Television
- Controls of Accesses, Visits and Presence
- Check of alarms for transmission of images in real time
- Link of maximum safety of the configurations with the Head office(Plant) Receptora of Alarms (route ADSL, GPRS …)
- System integration (intrusion, fire, CCTV, accesses, etc.)
- Control of vehicles in entry / exit of enclosures by means of apprehension and record of matriculations
- Location and protection of vehicles and you present route satellite
- Control of signs of maintenance and detection of incidents or anomalies in the matter (temperature, lighting, electricity-generating group, SAI ….)
Computer safety

INVISEC day pupil or boarder considers to be the most serious the intrusion of a disturbing agent in the computer system of a company, with the economic prejudice and of image that it(he,she) can generate. To mean that the unfair conduct executed by an internal agent who knows perfectly the flowchart and developed activity, as well as the neuralgic points that can be damaged, will cause catastrophic effects.
To attack the new types of fraud in the company, INVISEC designs suitable PLANS OF PREVENTION to avoid all kinds of interferences and assaults to the computer systems, both from remote points and from the interior of the own(proper) company, protecting this way the above mentioned systems and the existing information.
We realize an AUDIT to his systems and propose him the preventive precise measures. WE INVESTIGATE anomalies and incidents of the computer systems to find answers: possible crimes, escape of information, sabotages, undue use….
Special services

- Installation of secret cameras, follow-up and analysis of the resultant information.
- Test of telephonic lines and sweeps of environment
- Services of Information
Cabinet consultancy

- Project design of:
- Services of physical alertness
- Persons’ protection services
- Electronic systems of security
- Production of formless audits
- Advice
- Department i specify for the treatment of loss not known in centers of distribution and trade.
Means physical protection

for protection and security:
- Walls
- Gates
- Fences
- Doors
- Windows
- Locks…